More Nouveautés

April 22nd, 2007 § 0 comments

Just finished the semifinal draft of Okko #6 this week. That’s two issues into The Cycle of Earth, which will follow on The Cycle of Water—which I trust you all are reading faithfully—when that concludes this summer. No spoilers, hopefully, in forecasting a satisfying character arc for our young narrator Tikku, and a rare creature for any D&D fans of Oriental Adventures from back in the day. Also, hints of pleasingly troubling moral ambiguity shadow our heroes’ triumph—seeds of greater future uncertainty and even thematic grandeur? We deny monsters, the other, whatever we hate, the capacity to feel what we believe ennobles us—for if they too were so entitled, then what should tell us apart? And how should we justify our mercilessness toward them?


I myself haven’t read the second volume of The Cycle of Earth yet. Maybe it’ll even tell what the deal is with Noburo and his mask.


Okko # 3 out in stores this very month! Go buy it! Or, er, be square.


Over at First Second Books, my first translation project with them, edited by the estimable Alexis Siegel: Tiny Tyrant. Out this spring, with a ten page preview up now. From the comic genius Lewis Trondheim (NBM’s Dungeon series, Mister O), but bit on the kid side. Still, art from Fabrice Parme is a blast.


Cover art is also out on Amazon for Sardine in Outer Space 4, my first credited project with :01, to be released this fall. Check these both out by clicking on Translations at the top of the page.

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