Time Away

June 4th, 2010 § 2 comments

I’m taking time away to dream
I’m taking time out to clean up my room
and when I clean up, my room will gleam
because dreams aren’t as unreal as they seem.

I’m taking time away to dream,
I’m taking time out.

Arthur Russell, “Time Away”

§ 2 Responses to Time Away"

  • Nate says:

    I’m eviscerating my upstairs of all books, children’s clothes and childhood memories right now. It’s amazing how paralyzed your life becomes when the inside of your house threatens to break your neck and every inch of floor is slick with Black Canary comics and G.I.Joe.

    Fatigue settles in. Friends call less. The tyranny of *things* suffocates the soul. My life becomes a scene from The Caretaker.

    “If I can….if I can….just get down to Sidcup….I can….get me a pair of shoes…..then I can…..then I….”

  • desmond says:

    Shaw, definitely Shaw–Wallace

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